This page estimates the total amount banks earn from transaction fees in the US since you loaded this page.
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Wouldn't you rather keep the money in your pocket?
This section estimates how much banks earn from cash transactions in the US.
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To estimate the total fees banks earn from EFTPOS (card-based) and cash transactions in the United Kingdom, we followed these steps:
In an era of digital convenience, banks are quietly steering you towards electronic transactions—and there's a critical reason why: massive profit potential.
Banks have strategically positioned electronic transactions as the preferred payment method, not for your convenience, but for their bottom line. Every electronic transaction generates revenue through:
While electronic transactions seem seamless, you're actually paying a hidden tax. These fees:
As society moves towards 100% digital transactions, banks gain unprecedented power:
Traditional cash transactions provide:
Take back your financial autonomy. Understand the true cost of going cashless.