Australian Bank Fee Calculator

Bank Fee Calculator Australia

This page estimates the total amount banks earn from transaction fees in Australia since you loaded this page.


Updated every second
Wouldn't you rather keep some of this money in your pocket rather than giving it to the banks?

Cash Transaction Fees

This section estimates how much banks earn from cash transactions in Australia.


Updated every second

How Calculations Were Made for Australia

To estimate the total fees banks earn from EFTPOS (card-based) and cash transactions in Australia, we followed these steps:

EFTPOS Transactions:
  • Average transaction fee: We assumed an average merchant service fee (MSF) of 1% for card-based transactions in Australia. This aligns with publicly available data on fees typically charged to Australian merchants.
  • Average transaction value: The average value of an EFTPOS transaction in Australia is approximately $50, based on market data.
  • Transactions per day: Approximately 9.86 million EFTPOS transactions occur daily in Australia, based on industry estimates.
  • Fee calculation: The fee per transaction is calculated as $50 × 0.01 = $0.50. Total daily fees are then approximately $0.50 × 9,860,000 = $4.93 million.
  • Per-second fees: Dividing daily fees by the number of seconds in a day (86,400) gives an approximate earning rate of $57 per second.
Cash Transactions:
  • Average cost per cash transaction: Handling cash incurs costs (e.g., transportation, security, and processing). We assumed an average cost of $0.15 per transaction in Australia.
  • Transactions per day: Approximately 1 million cash transactions occur daily in Australia, based on cash usage trends.
  • Fee calculation: Total daily fees are estimated as $0.15 × 1,000,000 = $150,000.
  • Per-second fees: Dividing daily fees by 86,400 seconds results in an earning rate of $1.74 per second.
Assumptions and Limitations:
  • Data is based on publicly available reports and market estimates for Australia in 2025.
  • Actual fees may vary depending on the merchant, payment provider, and specific card type (e.g., credit vs debit).
  • Cash handling costs can differ by business size and sector.

The Hidden Cost of Electronic Transactions: How Banks Profit at Your Expense

In an era of digital convenience, banks are quietly steering you towards electronic transactions—and there's a critical reason why: massive profit potential.

The Fee Machine: Electronic Transactions

Banks have strategically positioned electronic transactions as the preferred payment method, not for your convenience, but for their bottom line. Every electronic transaction generates revenue through:

  • Merchant transaction fees
  • Interchange fees
  • Card processing charges
  • Account maintenance fees

The Real Cost: Paid By You

While electronic transactions seem seamless, you're actually paying a hidden tax. These fees:

  • Get passed directly to consumers through higher product prices
  • Reduce your purchasing power
  • Create a continuous revenue stream for financial institutions

The Privacy and Control Trap

As society moves towards 100% digital transactions, banks gain unprecedented power:

  • Complete transaction traceability
  • Potential for unlimited fee structures
  • Comprehensive financial surveillance
  • Easier taxation tracking

Cash: The Disappearing Alternative

Traditional cash transactions provide:

  • Financial privacy
  • No transaction fees
  • Direct economic exchange
  • Protection against digital tracking

Take back your financial autonomy. Understand the true cost of going cashless.

Why use cash?